We rely on our donors to support our work of collecting, storing, digitizing and making accessible the lesbian history of the Bay Area. We have received some small grants from local organizations but the bulk of our income comes from individuals. Every monetary gift lets us know that you want lesbian history to be preserved for present and future generations.
Your financial contributions fund all of our expenses:
rent on storage facilities (currently three large climate-controlled storage units in the Oakland/Emeryville area)
archival supplies such as acid-free boxes and file folders
computers, external hard drives, archiving and video software and occasional tech support

Become a monthly sustainer. Any amount helps us have the stability of ongoing income and planning for future expenses.
Include Bay Area Lesbian Archives as a beneficiary in your will, trust or life insurance. This can be in the form of cash, securities or real estate, or a fraction of your estate. You should also consider creating a Living Trust for your assets if you haven’t already done so. Please consult with an attorney to prepare your documents to make sure your legacy is protected.
Donate a portion of your annual 401(k) withdrawal, stock dividends or other income.
Donate a one-time amount via PayPal or check.
Bay Area Lesbian Archives
P.O. Box 18684
Oakland, CA 94619